
ChocoTea Cookies

Thin & crisp cookies

90g Shortening (room temperature)
45g Sugar

150g Flour
40g Almond powder
3/2 tsp. Baking powder

1/2 Egg
1 tsp. Tea (leaf)

+Chocolate chips or finly chopped

1. Mix 'A' well in a bowl, add egg and tea and chocolate and mix.
2. Add shifted 'B' untill well blended. Rest it in a fridge for 30 minutes.
3. Take one tablespoonful of dough and flatten it, place each dough onto sheet and bake about 15 minutes.


+Make the daugh with food processor+
Crush chocolate.
Put all the ingredients except egg, mix little by little for about 30 sec. to 1 min.
Add egg and mix.

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